Monday, August 6, 2012

Anastasia looked behind her and saw the door was gone. She looked ahead and saw the dark trees she had heard stories about, with their leaves the color of fire. That’s when she knew the stories were true. She had stumbled upon the Dark Forest, and if she wanted to get out alive, she would need to find her way home and make sure she didn’t come across the evil King and Queen.

1 comment:

  1. Anastasia knew that she was on her own. She tried to remember the details of the stories she had always ignored. Old Nan had said there was only one way to escape the Dark Forest—something about following the path of the Golden Tree. What did that mean? All the trees ahead were dark with leaves of fire. But she had to keep going if she were ever to find her way back home.

    She moved forward—slowly and carefully. Those stories –those horrible stories--returned to her in a rush. A young man who had mocked the Queen was lost when he stumbled over a tree root. The root wrapped around his leg and pulled him underground. His screams had been heard for hours. The Queen just laughed. Then there was the King’s cousin who challenged his rule; she was driven into the Dark Forest and never heard from again.
